At CoreCentralCondo  we are committed to safeguard your Privacy . We always treat all personal data provided by you in absolute confidence and utilise your personal data in the procedure set out in this privacy policy . This privacy policy is applicable to all personal data that you provide to us and the personal data we hold about you . This policy describes how we may collect use, disclose , process and manage your personal data .

We kindly request you not to provide any of your personal data if you do not accept this policy .

In which way is the Collected Personal Data Used .Our vital goal is to obtain your personal data is to serve you better which includes

  • Providing you with the services that you have requested.
  • Contacting you for feedback after we have provided our services.
  • Update the projects mentioned in and

We may also use your personal data for objectives related to our business such as

  • Agreeing with our legal obligations and requirements
  • Implementing obligations owed to us .

If you have approved we may use your personal data for the purposes of marketing our products and services e.g notifying you of our latest activities, special offers and promotions. To aid us to market products and services which are of special interest and appropriate to you. We may evaluate and rely on your overall interaction with us.

If you have contacted us and registered any complaints given any feedback or comments we may use or disclose your personal data (including your contact history) to respond you.

While utilising your personal data to contact you we may for the purposes mentioned above we may contact you via regular mail, e-mail, fax, SMS, telephone or any communication.


We will never sell your data anytime to third parties.


All data and information is securely stored in our secure servers and all provisions are taken to ensure that the information you provide is protected against unauthorised or unintended access. Nevertheless, we cannot be held responsible for unauthorised or unintended access that is beyond our control.

Amendment of Privacy Policy

We may amend this privacy policy from time to time .The updated privacy policy would be available to you at http//

Your Rights

If you do not accept the amended policy or if you wish to withdraw any consent you have given to us at any time or else if you want to update or have access to personal data , you may contact us at

Official Hotline : +65 6409 6339

+65 9069 1801

+65 8282 8214

+65 9181 3100

+65 9488 6864

We may be prevented by law from complying with any request that you make. We might decline any request that you make if the law permits us to do so.’

In many situations we might require your personal data to contact you and serve you with our products and services. If you do not provide us with the required data or if you withdraw your consent to our use/or disclosure of your personal data it might not be possible for us to provide the products and services that you require.


This privacy policy is governed by the laws of Singapore. You need to consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts in Singapore in any dispute regarding this privacy policy.